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Agilent 7500ce Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

ICP-MSĀ is used for trace multi-element analysis (~ mid-ppt to ppb range) in water, sediment, soil, and other environmental/biological samples.

  • The Agilent 7500ce is a quadrupole mass spectrometer that has low detection limits in the ppt range and high sample throughout for trace elemental analysis in solution samples.
  • A reaction cell that uses an off-axis octopole in He collision or H2 reaction gas mode reduces polyatomic interferences.
  • Cetac ASX-510 Autosampler can accommodate 240 samples at once.
  • In addition to normal operation mode, the system can be coupled to a liquid chromatography for speciation studies.
  • The 7500ce is a high sensitivity reaction cell ICP-MS for high performance, reliability and sensitivity in trace elemental analysis.

Common Applications:
Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Ge, As, Se, Si, Ti, V, W, Ca, Mg, Na, K, etc.

Potential Capabilities:

Many other trace elements.

Sample Types:

Many sample types, but final samples must be in acidic solutions, typically 1~5% HNO3.